

b+s AUTOMATION GmbH | Alleestraße 83 | 47166 Duisburg | Germany
+49 203 48545-0
+49 203 48545-99

Burghardt+Schmidt GmbH

Burghardt+Schmidt GmbH | Raiffeisenstraße 24 | 75196 Remchingen | Germany
+49 7232 36 61-0


Schnutz GmbH | Siegstraße 75-77 | 57076 Siegen | Germany
+49 271 25062-100
+49 271 25062-109

Sales and Service China

Mr David FangRm 9007 | Shifeng International Plaza Ya Cheng Yi Li | Chaoyang North Raod | Chaoyang District | China
+86 10 85 97-6790

Sales and Service North America

Service Point: Baumer of America Inc. I 5450 Johns Road, Suite 101 I Tampa, FL 33634 I USA
+1 973 263 1569
Sales: Alex B Trevino I b+s group I USA
+1 216 744 5502

Sales and Service Indien

Uniseven Engineering & Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. | Ecospace Business Park, 4th Floor | 700160 Rajarhat, Kolkata | India
+91 33 40 02 93-41
+91 33 40 02 93-10